
What's the Fuss?

Over at the Denver Post, columnist David Harsanyi has written a very entertaining article from the point of view of one who just doesn't see why the Code is so popular—or why people are so upset by it. It's an entertaining read, and might help bring things back into perspective for many readers.

A good deal of his article reports on a public debate he attended regarding the novel. Here's a snip:

What are we debating here? Doesn't it clearly state "a novel" right on the front cover?

Danica d'Hondt, author of the forthcoming "Beyond the Da Vinci Code," was there to defend the book. Her basic message: Brown has forced us to think. To think about why the Catholic Church hasn't grown along with society. And, why, she asked, couldn't Jesus have been married?

Actually, there are plenty of sensible reasons to avoid marriage. Let's assume being the Son of God kept Jesus pretty busy.

Fact is, in the end, you either have some faith or you don't.

Her defense did make me think, though. It made me think that the commotion over the book was a byproduct of the culture war. Even d'Hondt admitted Brown had butchered most of his facts. Why should we take this book seriously?

Denver Post, 06.05.06


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