
Comments from McKellen

MTV News has scored some juicy bits from Ian McKellen, the rather famous British actor who portrays Sir Leigh Teabing in the upcoming film. The interview-based article includes extensive quotes from McKellen, who happens to be a rather outspoken atheist (just so you know)...

MTV Movie News, 15.05.06


Blogger Philip Booth said...

I caught an early screening of the movie last night, and I was underwhelmed.

The opening segment -- the murder, and the initial doings at the Louvre -- indeed are well done, and suspenseful.

But the rest of the thing is talky and plain dull. Tom Hanks is miscast -- he's wooden in the role.
And several of the plot twists and turns had critics chuckling.

For a thriller, it's not very thrilling. And, of course, the "historical" stuff is pure nonsense.

You can see my full pre-publication review at Scribe Life

Anonymous Anonymous said...

I just got back from the world premiere of The Da Vinci Code in Hong Kong. You see the folks in Cannes are just now seeing the movie.


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