
Hugh Hewitt on the Married Jesus

The lates essay at The Da Vinci Dialogue is titled, "Talking in Code—How to Prepare for Da Vinci Discussions." The author is Hugh Hewitt, a professor at Chapman University Law School in Anaheim and host of a nationally syndicated radio show. His essay primarily addresses the central premise of The Da Vinci Code: that Jesus might actually have been married. Here's a snippet:
I don't often hear persuasive argument, but no matter the subject, and no matter how high or low the passions involved, such conversation depends on three things:
First, that you actually have heard what the opposite side has said or is saying.

Second, that your address their specific claims calmly, thoroughly and preferably with some sympathy for the almost universal desire not to be embarrassed. If you want to persuade, you will have to be very careful not injure the pride of the opposite party.

Third, you need some undisputable facts backed up by some easily accessed sources so that your debate partners won't have to take your word for it.
Da Vinci Dialogue, 27.02.06


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