The Vatican Response on Good Friday
"The pope's personal preacher railed on Friday against Dan Brown's Da Vinci Code and the recently published Gospel of Judas, saying they amounted to a fresh betrayal of Christ. In a Good Friday homily in St Peter's Basilica, Capuchin father Raniero Cantalamessa told Benedict XVI and several top Vatican officials that the media was exploiting the Christian tradition to make millions of dollars."
MORE HERE, 14.04.06
MORE HERE, 14.04.06
I think the best response to this attack on Christianity and Jesus is to go to a movie on May 19, 20 or 21 and maybe more than one. Just dont go to see the Da Vinci Code. If enough people do this other movies will out perform this attack on our faith.
I'm sorry, but this is like saying, "The last place a Christian ought to be is where lost people are."
Think about it, and get out from behind your walls. Jesus did.
"...Capuchin father Raniero Cantalamessa told Benedict XVI and several top Vatican officials that the media was exploiting the Christian tradition to make millions of dollars."
And the pot called to the kettle, "My, but you're a dusky fellow!"
Only thing that has upset the Vatican (or any of the other churches bitching) is that they are not getting a slice of the action.
None of the ideas in the Da Vinci Code are new, the only thing different is that they're now MORE visible in the public domain.
It's unlikely to bother the faithful, and if it puts off someone who was considering joining, then they weren't up for the 'three impossible things before breakfast' that one has do to make it in any faith, Christian or otherwise...
Thanks, Harlequin -- and I'm sure there's plenty of duskiness to go around in all corners, eh?
The Catholic church is upset, because the movie touches on some truths, just the tip of the iceberg, they do not want us to know. They are not what they would like us to believe. If you want to read a lot of articles on why, go to and search for "Jesuit" in the archives.
Todays article is:
I feel the movie, as light as it is, will pave the way for the truth to be more palatable for the public.
Perhaps one of the reasons it's so easy to believe poorly of others is because of what we know about ourselves.
At least the paranoid ramblings of the site you reference are in keeping with Leigh Teabing's discredited fantasies!
Have you noticed that the Catholic Church is actually NOT the villain of The Da Vinci Code?
I do agree, though, that the film may pave the way for a lot of truth. I sincerely hope you find some.
Posted:"Capuchin father Raniero Cantalamessa told Benedict XVI and several top Vatican officials that the media was exploiting the Christian tradition to make millions of dollars."
Isn't that what the Catholic church has been doing since it was created? The church has trillions of dollars hidden away it has taken anyway it could, and it dares to accuse a book writer of exploiting the Christian tradition. I'd laugh if it didn't make me so damn angry at the hypocracy of it all!
Greg, I sincerely hope you find truth, also, and not the fictional kind.
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